Python - setting / getting environment variables and additions

I need to set an environment variable in Python and find the address in memory where it resides. Since this is on Linux, I don't mind using libraries that only work sequentially on Linux (if that's the only way). How do you do it?

Edit: The problem is this: I'm trying to hack a program for a class, and essentially I put my shellcode in an environment variable and then overwrite one byte per victim code with the address of my environment variable. I need to find a way to automate this in Python, so my question is twofold:

  • Is there a way to get the address into memory of an environment variable?

  • Can I only do this in bash / C or can I do it exclusively in Python?


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3 answers

The id () built-in function returns a unique identifier for any object, which is simply a memory address.



Read the os.environ dictionary to access and set environment variables. You can also use os.putenv to set the environment variable.



Pass the address itself in an environment variable and just read it with os.getenv ().



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