Emacs tramp ftp or ssh

I am using emacs 23.1 on Windows XP with the following configuration

(require 'tramp)
(setq tramp-default-method "ftp")


I can open / save deleted files. Autocomplete autocomplete with TAB also works. But I cannot open the remote directory, it shows an empty buffer with the directory name on top.

Here are the log messages

ls -lhA d:/temp/ange-ftp2876pvQ
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
quote mdtm /soft/mysrv/jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin/
550 /soft/mysrv/jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin/: not a plain file.
quote mdtm /soft/mysrv/jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin/
550 /soft/mysrv/jboss-4.2.3.GA/bin/: not a plain file.


And I can't seem to work with multiple checked files in the remote directory. It copies only the first file and says "No file on this line". Should I switch to ssh tramp to fix these problems?

What are the other benefits of switching to ssh if I'm not interested in security and clear text passwords?

UPDATE: I changed

(setq tramp-default-method "pscp")


and now it works.


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2 answers

Yes, the tramp-default-method had to be changed

(setq tramp-default-method "pscp")


It now works correctly on servers that have ssh installed.



I cannot tell you how well the method ftp

works at all, since I usually work with scp

or ssh

. A tip like "If ftp doesn't work, use it" is probably not what you are looking for.

However, you might want to look at a variable tramp-default-method-alist

that lets you specify which method to use based on remote user and remote host.



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