Is it possible to create a remote file manager in PHP?

Is it possible to perform file operations from a script on a different server than the files it is running on? That is, upload, move, rename, delete, create new, modify, etc.

How should I do it?


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6 answers

As far as I know, this can only be done by logging into the shell through a remote script and then executing commands from within the shell, or perhaps using FTP from the remote script.

Another method:

Create scripts on the server that will accept parameters (POST data) and perform operations based on the arguments that are given to it.



One way to do this would be via FTP .



Basically you are describing WebDAV, which was built in such a way that recording methods like those found in ftp can be done over HTTP.

I guess it would be difficult to make a non-http file manager with PHP that is both conservative and reliable.

There are several libraries for adding the ability to create WebDAV in PHP, but not for basic or standard extensions.



yes it is possible either with php ftp functions or with native filesystem functions.

I wrote myself ( myftphp <- Ads: D)

using the functions of the native filesystem, there are always restrictions on managing permissions, but for managing files in a public directory, this is ideal




Open source file manager.



There is a fantastic remote file system manager.

Just take a look at Flysystem .

This requires PHP 5.4 or higher.



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