Either one has a batch file to apply and create a shortcut or baseline in a suitcase

here i need a batch file that can apply and create a shortcut or baseline for versioned items in a clear code project please provide me if anyone has this


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1 answer

If you want to create a baseline (UCM), you do not need to create a label first.

Just go to your view and put in a baseline:

cd m:\myView\myVob\myRootComponent
cleartool mkbl -c "my comment" MY_BASELINE_LABEL


It will apply a shortcut to all registered files of the mentioned UCM component.
In fact, it will apply multiple shortcuts, one for each writeable UCM project component:


    for component being written 1

    for recording component 2

    for component being written 1

(it creates separate labels with the same "title" ( MY_BASELINE_LABEL

) but different IDs (- MY_BASELINE_LABEL.xxxx


If your view is referencing a UCM stream, it will "apply and create a shortcut or baseline for versioned items in a clear-bodied project" as you put it.
Put these commands in a package and you have it.



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