Two baselines created in ClearCase UCM

I am creating a project using compound baselines. When I create a baseline to send to the Mainline project, it always creates two baselines. One is called "COMP_BL" and the other is "COMP_BL. ####"

Is there a reason for this? Perhaps I have a wrong setting?


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1 answer

There is no correct setting.

It will always create one baseline for the component that has changed.

If your root component (the one with the files) has changed, it got baseline.
This means that your root component (the one that has no file made to bundle other components together) will also receive a (composite) baseline to record changes to the dependencies of said virus-free component.

See " Best Practice for Composite Baseline " for an illustration.

As explained in " anyone has a batch file to apply and create a shortcut or baseline in a clearcase ", when you apply multiple baselines, ClearCase:

  • reusing the same name < COMP_BL

  • create another identifier COMP_BL.####


This identifier will be:

  • " COMP_BL

    " (the header itself) for the first component to get the baseline (usually a rootless component, but no guarantee)
  • " COMP_BL.####

    " for every other component


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