How to filter baselines (UCM) separately from the description command?

Since we have many components, I am trying to describe all the baselines using the following command

cleartool describe -l baseline: Baseline_2.1.0.13 @ \ My_PVOB

It provides output as follows

"Build 13"
master replica: My_PVOB@\My_PVOB
owner: Admin
group: ABC
component: Baselines@\My_PVOB
label status: No Versions to Label
change sets:
promotion level: INITIAL
depends on:
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp1@\My_PVOB)
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp2@\My_PVOB)
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp3@\My_PVOB)
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp4@\My_PVOB)


Actually I only want to get the content below, depends on: (I only want to get the following content)

Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp1@\My_PVOB)
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp2@\My_PVOB)
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp3@\My_PVOB)
  Baseline_2.\My_PVOB (Comp4@\My_PVOB)


How do I omit the rest of the information?


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2 answers

From the fmt_ccase

man page



(UCM baselines) Baselines that a compound baseline directly depends on

So for a compound baseline:

cleartool descr -fmt "%[depends_on]Cp" baseline:aBaseline@\apvob


can do the trick except it will only print the dependent baselines on one line, each name separated by a space and without their component name.

So, you need to parse this output and for each base name do a:

cleartool descr -fmt "%[component]Xp" baseline:aBaseline@\apvob


(Or, if your baseline naming convention allows it, simply:

cleartool describe -l baseline:Baseline_2.1.0.13@\My_PVOB | grep Baseline_ 


it would be easier!)

Actually OP samselvaprabu took the last sentence to grep what he needs from the original output. Its grep is better than my suggestion because it doesn't depend on the baseline naming convention, but on behalf of the PVob of the specified baselines:

I am using windows, so your last (simple) command gave me this idea.
The following command works in Dos

cleartool describe -l baseline:Baseline_2.1.0.13@\My_PVOB | find "@\My_PVOB)" 




Read the "fmt_ccase" manual, you will find it there:

cleartool man fmt_ccase




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