PEAR alternatives in other languages

Is there a good class repository like PEAR for PHP for other languages ​​like Ruby or C #? If so, what are they?

How good are they?


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5 answers

  • There is rubygems for Ruby - the de facto standard repository.
  • For C # (.NET) - Codeplex is your best shot I think.



Perl has a CPAN (arguably the best repository of reusable modules in the world).



Ruby has its own package manager, rubygems . Additionally, Ruby libraries can usually be found either on RubyForge or GitHub .



Python has PyPI , Haskell has Hackage .



This does not exist in a C # universe.

Maybe because in C # you can compile your binaries, which improves interoperability.

If you need to find csharp search projects like google code, sourceforge, github or codeplex.

I don't know anything about ruby.



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