Store large amounts of data in RMS

I need to store a large amount of data using the RMS API via J2ME.

How can I store multiple column data, given that it has to be hardcoded, so I need to store those multiple columns and row data.

How can I do it in this case, should I use struct



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3 answers

Well, RMS allows you to store records that are arrays of bytes. You will have to decide for yourself how the record is recorded and if you want to store your data in one or more records. If you use the DataInputStream and DataOutputStream classes, you will be able to read / write strings, booleans, integers, etc. The API documentation has a decent example of how you can do this.

If you have complex data to store or a lot of different objects, you can create a simple RMS I / O library that lets you pass in objects that implement eg. "Storable" for the library class that writes your object to RMS.



See my question on the same topic. We ended up buying a commercial introduction of BTree and extending it to work across multiple record stores.



Does Jeroen say RMS is pretty simple. You can only store arrays of bytes. But, while this is fundamental, it is quite easy to implement a more complex memory structure with an index stored in the record store and accessing other record stores that contain the data.

Take a look at this page: Understanding the records management system



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