JQuery - replace one line with another in .load-ed html?

I am loading html snippet with

$("#TemplateDump").load("Themes/default.template", function() { processTemplate() })


In the html i load

`hello ##name##, your age is ##age##. 
your page is <a href="##website##">here</a>


I need to replace ## placeholders with "joe", "112" and "www.whatever.com". Is there a more jquery way to do this rather than using direct javascript.replace? Are there plugins to replace placeholders around? using .replace in IE on url placeholder just doesn't work. I do not know why. By the way, templates cannot be changed.


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2 answers

Implementing a simple templating system in vanilla javascript isn't too hard.

var myValues = {
    name : 'Joe',
    age : '112',
    website: 'http://www.whatever.com'
var myString = "hello ##name## ..."; // etc

for (var key in myValues) {
    myString.replace(new RegExp("##" + key + "##", g), myValues[key]);


Just make sure you run this script in HTML before it gets inserted into your document. You might want to use a different AJAX feature than load()

maybe get()


    function (data) {
        data = processTemplate(data);




try jTemplates or a simpler plugin



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