Kbhit () on mac

I am new to cpp on mac. I got the error when I used kbhit () in my program. I used #include but also got an error, so I searched and tested #include but the error still remained. so plz help me. thanks in advance.


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2 answers

kbhit () is non-standard. In fact, I don't believe there is a standard function for detecting keyboard input. The best you can do is read a character from stdin using fgetc for example, and hopefully it is not being redirected from somewhere else.



Don't know if this will work on Mac, but here is some code I used to get one click on Linux.

int mygetch() {
    char ch;
    int error;
    static struct termios Otty, Ntty;

    tcgetattr(0, &Otty);
    Ntty = Otty;

    Ntty.c_iflag  =  0;     /* input mode       */
    Ntty.c_oflag  =  0;     /* output mode      */
    Ntty.c_lflag &= ~ICANON;    /* line settings    */

#if 1
    /* disable echoing the char as it is typed */
    Ntty.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;  /* disable echo     */
    /* enable echoing the char as it is typed */
    Ntty.c_lflag |=  ECHO;  /* enable echo      */

    Ntty.c_cc[VMIN]  = CMIN;    /* minimum chars to wait for */
    Ntty.c_cc[VTIME] = CTIME;   /* minimum wait time    */

#if 1
    * use this to flush the input buffer before blocking for new input
    #define FLAG TCSAFLUSH
    * use this to return a char from the current input buffer, or block if
    * no input is waiting.
    #define FLAG TCSANOW


    if ((error = tcsetattr(0, FLAG, &Ntty)) == 0) {
        error  = read(0, &ch, 1 );        /* get char from stdin */
        error += tcsetattr(0, FLAG, &Otty);   /* restore old settings */

    return (error == 1 ? (int) ch : -1 );




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