Using #include directives in Platform Builder DAT files

So, I know that I can use #include on the BIB and REG files to pull in other files like this:



but it seems that I cannot get the DAT files to behave the same. Am I missing something? I have a component with a fairly large DAT file, and Id rather not get users to paste the whole thing into their PROJECT.DAT file, but instead have a simple one line to pull it in.


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1 answer

This is due to further testing and feedback from other developers who use Platform Builder that this is indeed a limitation of the SYSGEN process. The DAT parser simply does not support #include directives. Several hacks have been suggested to get similar behavior, the "best" of which I think is to add the DAT content using the PostFmergeObj.bat file and just provide the client with 2 files to put in their BSP \ FILES folder (batch file PostFmergeObj.bat and DAT file that is added to their INTOOBJ.DAT file Similar method described here for filtering snippets from a DAT file.

Hopefully there will be a better DAT parser in the next PB release.



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