How do splash screens support multiple monitors?

If I were developing a screensaver using windows.form in C #, how could I support multiple monitors? obviously i need a way to list monitors and maybe create shapes for them or just fade out to black? Has anyone solved this?

Any insight would be helpful, what's the best approach?


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1 answer

I would recommend this article from CodeProject , it helped me create my first screen saver and talk about multi-monitor support.


the class contains all the information you need about how many monitors and what the boundaries of those monitors are. The property AllScreens

would be a good place to start.

for (int i = Screen.AllScreens.GetLowerBound(0); i <= Screen.AllScreens.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
ScreensaverFormList[i].Bounds = Screen.AllScreens[i].Bounds;



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