Javascript regex to match string if only preceded by backslash

How do I match U1234 but not \ U1234 in Javascript?

I can't figure out how not to match a single backslash. The closest I can get is:



But it doesn't work. Any suggestions?


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6 answers

JavaScript definitely doesn't support lookbehind assertions. The next best way to get what you want in my opinion would be




(?:          # non-capturing group - if it matches, we don't want to keep it
   ^         # either match the beginning of the string
   |         # or
   [^\\]     # match any character except for a backslash
)            # end of non-capturing group
(U\d{4})     # capturing group number 1: Match U+4 digits





or something like that. It will not match the sequence at the very beginning of the subject line ...



Unfortunately JS doesn't seem to support the appropriate syntax for this, i.e. approval back /(?<!\\)U[0-9]{4}/


So, you need to use:



This is the syntax for the regexp literal. If you put the regex in a string, you'll have to strip the backslash again:





I would suggest using lookbehind, but JavaScript doesn't seem to support it . Perhaps you can match U [0-9] {4}, find where the match is, and check the character to the left of it to see if it's a \ or not?



JavaScript RegExp does not support negative appearance assertions. Ideas suggesting you only match / [^ \] U / will match strings like "_U", so not an answer. Your best bet is to use two regular expressions, the first to find all occurrences and then the second to filter out the look.

"\\U0000 U0000".match(/\\?U[0-9]{4}/g)
.filter(function (match) {
    return !/^\\/.test(match)




Ummm ... Is \ ^ U [0-9] {4} \ b for you?



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