Authlogic: getting undefined `password 'method for # <User:

I can't get the User model in Authlogic to understand the "password" method even with the "act_as_authentic" model added. This issue has also been reported on Authlogic beacon, but no one has described how they fixed it:

The users table exists with all required fields, and the controllers and everything else definitely follow the writing guide.

Does anyone know what could be wrong?

(Oh, I'm running Rails 2.3.3, Authlogic 2.1.1)


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4 answers

I mistakenly typed "crypted_password" as "crypted_passwond". Arg!

For all those out there, make sure you have all the required columns in your database.



Make sure your user model uses acts_as_authentic


class User < ActiveRecord::Base


I did all sorts of troubleshooting and somehow removed this when I was looking for another issue.



Have you restarted the app after installing authlogic? Using Passenger touch tmp/restart.txt

will be executed.



I had the same problem and finally realized that my route for users was wrong. I made my mind

map.resources user


when i fixed and changed this authlogic recognized the password field





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