Storage options

I have created specialized server applications that come with the application. At the moment, it stores data in a mix of binary and XML files, but I found it getting too confusing and slow when the amount of data required to store continues to grow.

So what are my options for storing data in a format that is easier to search / edit. The ability to run SQL queries on the data is preferred, but I don't want to force users to install the database system.


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1 answer

I believe you are looking for SQL Server Compact .

You can easily implement all support files in your installation, for free, has a lot of support in .NET and is small in size. This is a great alternative to what you are currently using. Of course, there are a few drawbacks, such as lack of stored procedure support and a little extra work when trying to use LINQ, but that shouldn't be a big deal for you.

Another option is SQLite . SQLite is fast and portable (Google Chrome uses it) and can be used in .NET, but has poor support for date and time handling and many other similar inconveniences.



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