Populating the TreeView Control

I have an N-Ary not sorted in any way and each node can have 0-N children. Given the data structure below, how can I populate the treeview, assuming you have an array of TermNodes and that array is the first level of the TreeView? I haven't been able to think of a recursive way to do this.

class TermNode
   public string Name;
   public string Definition;
   public List<TermNode> Children



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3 answers

Thank. All I got confused because I didn't understand that for a given TreeNode tn tn.Nodes.Add will return the added TreeNode Once you know the solution is straight forward so

private void /*TreeNode*/ RecursiveAdd(OntologyNode on, TreeNode tn)
    if (on.Children.Count == 0)
    foreach (OntologyNode child in on.Children)
        TreeNode tCur = tn.Nodes.Add(child.Name);
        tCur.Tag = child;//optional for some selected node events
        RecursiveAdd(child, tCur);               


and start recursive call

foreach( OntologyNode on in Nodes )
     if (on.IsTopLevelNode == true)// internal not pertinent to this code snippet
          TreeNode tn = tvOntoBrowser.Nodes.Add(on.Name);
          tn.Tag = on;
          if (on.Children.Count > 0)
               RecursiveAdd(on, tn);





Here's some code to get you started with recursion. It has not been tested (I cannot now), but you should understand:

public static void BuildTreeView(TreeNodeCollection Parent, List<TermNode> TermNodeList)
  foreach (TermNode n in TermNodeList)
    TreeNode CurrentNode = Parent.Add(n.Name);
    // no need to recurse on empty list
    if (n.List.Count > 0) BuildTreeView(CurrentNode.Nodes, n.List);

// initial call
List<TermNode> AllTermNodes = /* all your nodes at root level */;

BuildTreeView(treeView1.Nodes, AllTermNodes);




Just pulled the Generics behind my back .. It worked beautifully. Worth seeing ...

public interface INode<T>
    List<T> Children { get; }
class TermNode:INode<TermNode>
   public string Name;
   public string Definition;
   public List<TermNode> Children { get; set; }
   public TermNode()
       this.Children = new List<TermNode>();

public class TreeBuilder<T> where T : INode<T>
    public Func<T, TreeNode> obCreateNodeFunc;

    public void AddNode(TreeView obTreeView, T obNodeToAdd, TreeNode obParentNodeIfAny) 
        TreeNodeCollection obNodes;
        if (obParentNodeIfAny == null)
            obNodes = obTreeView.Nodes;
            obNodes = obParentNodeIfAny.Nodes;
        int iNewNodeIndex = obNodes.Add(obCreateNodeFunc(obNodeToAdd));
        TreeNode obNewNode = obNodes[iNewNodeIndex];

        foreach (T child in obNodeToAdd.Children)
            AddNode(obTreeView, child, obNewNode);

// calling code - Some class
    static TreeNode GetTreeNodeFor(TermNode t)
        return new TreeNode(t.Name);  // or any logic that returns corr TreeNode for T

    void Main()...
       TermNode[] arrNodesList;    
       // populate list with nodes

       TreeBuilder<TermNode> tb = new TreeBuilder<TermNode>();
       tb.obCreateNodeFunc = GetTreeNodeFor;
       foreach (TermNode obNode in arrNodesList)
           tb.AddNode(treeView, obNode, null);




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