How do I host multiple ASP.NET websites on the same shared hosting account?

With PHP, I can make multiple PHP sites locally and then upload each one to their own subdirectory of my PHP hosting.

However, with ASP.NET, it seems that I can only load my ASP.NET into the root of my hosting service. If I upload to a subdirectory, I get an error about

section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level
<authentication mode="Windows"/>


  • Is there a way to get around this so that I can have numerous ASP.NET websites, each in their own directory?
  • If not, can ASP.NET MVC solve this problem?
  • or is it generally impossible to FTP multiple ASP.NET sites for a hosting provider?

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3 answers

You need to talk to your hosting provider, it should be possible, but only if they allow. I would suggest that you need to create multiple virtual directories.



I don't know about YOUR hosting service, but my cheap GoDaddy service allows me to specify subdirectories as ASP.NET applications. I am running both BlogEngine.NET and BugTracker.NET, each with their own Web.config.

You need to contact the hosting service, use the help pages, etc.



In IIS, you can configure sub- and virtual directories as applications. Most IIS hosting providers should have some kind of tool that allows you to do this.

At my hosting provider (arguably one of the most popular and best ASP.NET hosting providers!), It can be found in the main navigation when you are logged in under "Web Application Tool".

Also, if you have the ability to create and manage subdomains on your main domain, I wrote an open source tool that will allow you to map apps to subdomains ... for example, instead of doing, / app2, etc., my tool will let you do,, etc. It can be found on CodePlex here:



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