IE positions the left sidebar below the content

I am not familiar with this site, but I am desperately looking for help on a website that I am building. Sorry if I am not in the right place or have not asked my question incorrectly, so please tell me if I am doing something wrong!

I created a simple website with four pages (index.html plus three others). Everything works fine in FF, but it doesn't in IE. I know there are many similar problems, but after hours of searching, I cannot find a solution. I have a sidebar on the left that appears in place in FF, but appears below the content in IE. The weird thing is that on the fourth page it works, so I lost it if it is a css or html error in my account. So far, the website can be found at

I hope there is someone who sees what I did wrong and how I can fix it. I will be checking this page regularly so I can add more information if needed, like my css file or htmlcode. Thanks in advance!


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3 answers

Why don't you put the sidebar in a div page?



You currently have:

<div id=page>
    <div id=content></div>
<div id=sidebar></div>


I think:

<div id=page>
    <div id=sidebar></div>         
    <div id=content></div>


will be much more reasonable, and can solve your problem. If not, play with position: absolute; from the sidebar div and margin-left from the content div in CSS.



I agree; try moving your sidebar div to a level.

The difference to the photographic page is a side effect of the extra div input I think.

If you get the Web Developer firefox extension , you can use it to display how your nested divs are. (information display / display order)



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