Move ms access managed site from sql server to - connection string issues

I've done some honest mysql php programming but fairly new to asp / access etc.

It will be incredibly easy or impossible!


I am trying to push a web application from a corporate network to an external web host for testing and have no idea how to connect pages to a database on a new server.


I inherited a database based website (ms access) from a corporate server and was asked to split it up and document it so it doesn't have any crash issues (the original programmer was long gone)

It was hosted on a ms sql server on the corporate network.

I got free hosting to access websites at and hoped to transfer the entire application there and use it as a test bed.

I got a copy of the .mdb file and uploaded it to jabry. My question is which connection should I use for the new database?


dim objConn
set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=UKNTHSQL900;UID=****User;PWD=***able8; DATABASE=PropertyRegister"



Dim Conn
Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb);DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("/USERNAME/db/yourdatabase.mdb")


I tried various permutations to get this to work, but after a couple of hours (!) Thought I had better help.

Can a dsnless connection be used when a password is required? Are these two types of servers completely incompatible? Please, help!


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3 answers

This site should help: .

  Set objConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

  objConn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
              "Data Source=" & dbfile & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=PW"


The ".. \" part depends, as you can imagine, on where you are using the code and where the database is located.

EDIT re Comment: You can also use ADO to list tables and queries stored in the database.

   ''cn = Your connection
   Set rs = cn.OpenSchema(20, Array(Empty, Empty, Empty))

   Do While Not rs.EOF
      '' This is vbscript / vba, as per comments, 
      '' change to rs("Table_Type") for ASP ...
      If rs!TABLE_TYPE <> "View" Then
         '' ... and this to rs("TABLE_NAME") ...
         s = s & rs!TABLE_NAME & vbCrLf
      End If

   Set rs = Nothing

   '' ... and this to Response.Write s
   MsgBox s


More information:



Regardless of the connection type, the Jabry db folder does not allow updating queries. They need to show a little pressure to bring their work to order!



How did you get the file .mdb

? If you exported from a SQL Server database to an Access database file, this may or may not work depending on the functionality used in the SQL Server database. If it was only used for silent storage, the Access database file can do so, but if it uses features such as stored procedures, UDFs, or triggers, the Access database file cannot replicate this.

If your Access database has a set of passwords, you must specify this in the connection string. The username you provide is "Administrator", so your connection string should look something like this:

"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" & Server.MapPath("/YourUserName/db/TheDatabaseFileName.mdb") & ";Uid=Admin;Pwd=ThePassword;"


Of course, you have to substitute the parts YourUserName

, TheDatabaseFileName

and ThePassword

for the actual values. You must also upload the database to a folder db

on the server that is configured with the correct web application access permissions to write to the database file.

What the web hotel recommended is an ODBC driver, but I would rather use a JET driver if possible. You can find many examples of connesion strings for Access here:



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