Starteam will not check a new file added to the project

I am using Visual Studio 2005 and StarTeam 2008 (Cross Platform Client and VS Integration). At some point, I added the App.config project. Now I notice that this file will not be registered.

  • The StarTeam Pending Checks window in VS reports the file "Out of view". By selecting it for checking and clicking "Check files", a dialog box will appear - "Any operation ... requires completion of pending renames / deletions". I click yes to continue and nothing happens.

  • The StarTeam client reports this file as "Modified". If I check in with a client, I don't have a "full rename / delete pending" and the file quickly appears with a "Current" status.

  • StarTeam update from VS, I still see the file as "Out of view".

I have tried to force the registration to register. I deleted my working files completely and pulled out the solution in the hopes that the StarTeam ("Current") status would apply in VS.


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3 answers

I seem to have solved this ...

  • I had a co-worker with better credentials, add the file to the same project.
  • It passed the test successfully.
  • I blew my working files and pulled the solution out of Visual Studio.
  • I added content to the file, saw the changed status and checked in.

It looks like normal users don't have delete privileges (just normal delete, not delete history). And in some cases, the pending delete cycle (which is managed by StarTeam?) Fails and you cannot check the files.



I tried to delete the file to start over.

  • I removed it from the project in VS and StarTeam client (deleting working files as well).
  • I can partially register ... StarTeam Pending Checkins window in VS reports "Locally Remote" status
  • I can't seem to figure out how to complete the "pending delete" (I'm assuming it's a requirement).

There is no trace of the file in the StarTeam client ... and I cannot find the pending rename / delete information. I am unable to force registration in VS.



I'm not a StarTeam expert, but this behavior might be compatible with a file already managed by a Windows process, which prevented StarTeam from performing validation operations.

If checkin StarTeam needs to temporarily move a file and overwrite it, it may conflict with the Windows process, which blocks any writes to that file.

A possible test is to close Visual Studio (and all other non-StarTeam programs) and try to add this file yourself.



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