Scroll down dropdown on content page - VS2008

I have a MasterPage and Content page

There are several controls on my content page - dropdown, text boxes, radio buttons.

I want to loop through all the controls and if it is one of the controls above, I want to get the selected value, text, etc.

I know I can access the control directly by name, but since this is my learning experience, I want to be able to walk through the Controls collection

I tried

foreach(Controls ctrl in Master.Controls)


but I was unable to get to the controls I needed.

Edit :: I guess I drew the gun too quickly as my intellisense kept failing. I solved the problem with this in the code on my content page

protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (Control ctrl in Master.Controls)
                if (ctrl is HtmlForm)
                    foreach(Control formControl in ctrl.Controls)
                        if (formControl is ContentPlaceHolder)
                            foreach (Control placeHolderControl in formControl.Controls)
                                if (placeHolderControl is DropDownList)
                                    string test = "AA";




Now to create a recursive subroutine


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2 answers

The controls are in the geriarchy. The only control on a page is usually a form (but not always). The form contains controls that are displayed in the tag <form>

. If the form has, for example, <p runat="server">

in it, it <p>

will contain all the controls that appear inside it.

For example,

<form runat="server">
  <p runat="server">
    <asp:Label runat="server" />
    <asp:TextBox runat="server" />
  <p runat="server">
    <asp:Button runat="server" />


will result in the following structure:

 - p
   - label
   - textbox
 - p
   - button


Thus, you must scroll through controls in the direct content of the control.


Also, to iterate over all the controls you need to either recursively or iteratively loop over the hierarchy

// This is the recursive version
public void LoopControl(Control parent) {
    foreach (Control control in parent) {
        // do stuff

// And then




If you are trying to access the elements of the content page on the master page, you need to access the controls through the corresponding ContentPlaceHolder (on the master page). something like that:

foreach (Control c in ContentPlaceHolder1.Controls)
    Response.Write(c.ID );




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