Why is HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath returning the wrong wrapped path?

I have an application where HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath returns the correct path with the wrong case.

Then I am trying to use this in String.Replace and it cannot find the path in the filename because of the shell.

I am aware that I can use Regex.Replace, but would prefer not to.

I only have this problem on a production machine, even if the corresponding folder has the same corpus in dev.

I just noticed that Server.MapPath is returning the wrong case as well.

Any ideas?


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3 answers

Apparently the problem was in the site directory specified with the wrong corpus in IIS. Merely changing the home directory does not help the problem as these values ​​are already set in the metabase and apparently because windows are not case sensitive it does not fix the metabase when correcting it in the GUI.

I ended up deleting the site and adding it again since it is not in use yet. Perhaps I could completely change the directory name and change the location in the GUI just as effectively.



A few things:

If you don't care about the case, use .ToUpper or .ToLower and replace it.

Dim path As String = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath.ToUpper
Dim newpath As String = Replace(path, "fnd", "rplc")


If that's not an option, try changing the comparison method in your replace function.

You have not specified the language, so I cannot give a specific example.



Why not just normalize both strings to lowercase -

string newpath = somepath.Replace(s1.ToLower(), s2.ToLower());




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