Dynamic Columns and Data Sources with .NET Grid View

I'm working on a multipurpose page and instead of adding multiple grids to the same page, we wanted to use one GridView per page, and on page_Init add the required columns and set the appropriate DataSourceID.

So there is something like the following in aspx for that: the codebehind in Page_Init is very simple to add multiple columns and then sets the DataSourceID property of the GridView.


<asp:GridView ID="gvDisplay" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CellPadding="5"
    width="100%" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="200" DataSourceID="wuProcessLogDataSource">
    <RowStyle CssClass="RowStyle" />
    <AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="AlternatingRowStyle" />
    <HeaderStyle CssClass="HeaderStyle" />  
<asp:ObjectDataSource id="wuProcessLogDataSource" runat="server" EnablePaging="True" 
    SelectMethod="GetWUProcessLog" TypeName="Project.Objects.WUProcessLogDal"
    <asp:QueryStringParameter QueryStringField="w" DefaultValue="0" Name="workunitId" />


The object data source is present and works as a first page load trigger without any problem. However, as soon as you click the page button, does the grid disappear from the page? Any ideas?

I would just use DataGrid, but it didn't have the desired dynamic display capabilities for the HyperLinkColumn.


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2 answers

It looks like you are doing something like

If (!Page.IsPostBack)
   //create + add columns - set datasource etc


If this is the case - then you need to remove the validation and always generate the columns (I would also suggest disabling the viewstate for the datagrid)



try page load event instead of init page



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