MVC ActionResult and QueryString

I am a bit confused about QueryStrings and ActionResult

I have a url coming into jQuery as:

url: "/ ToBePaid / Receipt /" + $ (this) .attr ('value') + "& receipt =" + $ (this) .attr ('checked')

which generates

/ ToBePaid / Receiving / 28cb8260-d179-450f-b9c4-162f1cc45bbd & receiving = true

and my ActionResult looks like this:

public ActionResult ReceiptExpenseForGrouping (row id, receive row)

and i get

id = "28cb8260-d179-450f-b9c4-162f1cc45bbd & receipt = true" receipt = "true" = null

But I want

id = "28cb8260-d179-450f-b9c4-162f1cc45bbd" receipt = "true"

Please can anyone help me here?


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1 answer

url: "/ToBePaid/Receipt/" + $(this).attr('value') + "/?receipt=" + $(this).attr('checked')


Gotta do the trick





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