Need to bypass ExtJS bypass
I have a web application that uses Ext-JS 2.2. In a certain component we have an empty toolbar in which we are trying to add a button to use
myPanel.getTopToolbar().insertButton(0, [...array of buttons...]);
However, in IE6 / 7 this fails due to lines 20241-20242 in ext-all-debug.js:
var td = document.createElement("td");,[index]);
Since " ([0])" does not yet exist in IE, this fails with "Invalid argument".
REAL QUESTION: Can I, using CSS like below, add a child to each <tr> toolbar so that [0] is located:
div.x-toolbar tr:after { content: " "; }
I totally understand this is a hack, but for legal reasons I cannot change the Javascript, not even add an empty button ({}) to each toolbar. The main thing for everyone who can understand this.
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