Form input problem in Internet Explorer

I have a lot of problems with every version of IE, one of which is that IE7 won't log input to this text input field.

I'm a little nervous about posting the link as the site looks cluttered and doesn't work properly in any version of IE at the moment, and it's still pretty far from being ready for public consumption. But if anyone can shed some light on this particular issue, I would really appreciate it.

So the question is, what is causing this problem in IE7?

Update. I also added an extra text box at the bottom of the page to try and rule out any CSS weirdness that might be causing the problem.

    <form method="post" action="nowhere.php">
        <input type='text' name='test' value='testing' />


And I still cannot enter any text or select the text that is there. I am wondering if this is a problem caused by running the standalone version of IE7 and IE6. thanks to -t


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2 answers

the function causing the problem is this:

function modalAlert


the call to debug is the following:

modalAlert("NO SELECTIONS");



function findRoutes


the line whose error is:

$("#dialog").css("top", dTop);


first, you should avoid iframes when you can, why don't you do:

var message = $('<div></div>').load('/modal/"+modalpage);


instead of crappy code like this:

var iframe = "<iframe id='modal_frame' width='533' height='292' src='/modal/"+modalpage+"' >You didn't give me any information</iframe>"


If you don't need frames, don't use them!



I have IE7 on win xp (native), I was able to enter text, but after freezing (when you add all these markers) then there is an error when typing text and clicking find routes, which I just explained to you ...



I would guess that this is because the input field does not have a "name" field that is used when submitting form data.



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