How to specify the location of the MySQL sock file for sphinx thinking?

My socket file is located here:



When I do this:

rake thinking_sphinx:start


I get:

rake aborted!
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)


I want to tell think_sphinx where my socket file is located. How is this possible? This issue appeared after doing a hard reload of my snippet on Slicehost.


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4 answers

EDITED is (I hope) clearer:

you can specify the mysql socket to be used in the sphinx lookup config file sphinx.conf

via sql_sock


sql_sock = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock


(note that this depends on sql_host

whether or not this value will actually be used)

you can also use the think_sphinx config file RAILS_ROOT/config/sphinx.yml

to set (overwrite) these values:

sql_sock: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock




In version, the 1.3.20

socket path can be determined with database.yml

, for example

# database.yml
  adapter: mysql
  database: app_name_development
  username: root
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock



Will now use socket path => /tmp/mysql.sock




Some interesting code snippets from edge sphinx which says sphinx requires TCP connections.

From think_sphinx / configuration.rb:

def connection
# If you use localhost, MySQL insists on a socket connection, but Sphinx
# requires a TCP connection. Using fixes that.
address = searchd.address || ''
address = '' if address == 'localhost'
  :host  => address,
  :port  => searchd.mysql41,
  :flags => Mysql2::Client::MULTI_STATEMENTS




The answer from the ax doesn't work.

You can see from commit 49f467b25075666104a46b190139dd1bdbb1452f that someone added support in the SphinxHelper for socket setup. I haven't used this method and don't have too much time to test it for you, so you are using this method on your own.

Also, curiously, in commit it looks like they added socket support via your database.yml, however if you look at the current edge code it seems remote?

Short answer: symlink your actual mysqld.sock to the location sphinx is looking for.



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