Sql Import Wizard imports 1022868890 as 1.02287e + 009
I am trying to import some data from Excel into SQL Server, I have a TEXT column with some numbers in it, some of the numbers are going very well and some are turning into scientific form.
Column in Excel is "text" type, Column in target sql table is varchar (255)
Here are some examples:
Excel [text] → SQL Server [varchar (255)]
0313852230 → 0313852230
1024869004 → 1024869004
1022868890 → 1.02287e + 009
1022868899 → 1.02287e + 009
1022868907 → 1022868907
1030869319 → 1030869319
SomeTe 11069
Please, help!
SOLUTION: Formatting the column as [Number] with 10 leading zeros worked for me since all my numbers are 10 digit numbers
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