How does DB2 Express compare to Sql Server Express?

I just learned about DB2 Express. I looked quickly and couldn't find any information on this, but would be interested to hear how people found it compared to SQL Server Express (2008 in particular) in terms of

  • Ease of deployment
  • Ease of use and development tools.
  • Limitations such as size or CPU limits
  • Integration with .NET and other third party tools like nHibernate

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2 answers

DB2 Express is not free, DB2 Express-C (as pointed out by Troels) is free. DB2 Express-C is cross-platform and probably faster than PostgreSQL for mid-sized enterprise applications. DB2 is generally slightly cheaper than Oracle, so if you need to upgrade, DB2 can be a decent option.

I would recommend DB2 Express-C if you need cross-platform, scalable enterprise applications with robust enterprise value management tools. However, your question is how does it compare to SQL Server Express ... so here are the specific answers to those questions:

  • DB2 Express is easier to deploy than Oracle, more complex than MS SQL.
  • For some reason, I always went into SQL DDL statements (CREATE / ALTER TABLE, etc.) with DB2 and Oracle instead of using their administration tools, while SQL Server Management Studio (even the free version) seemed easy / fast enough to warrant use. It might just be me, but
  • Currently DB2 Express-C has 4 cores (2 processors), 2 GB limit, no database size limit ( more details ), These limits are much better than MSSQL Express (1 processor, but no core limit, 1 GB RAM and 4 GB database size).
  • Unsurprisingly, SQL Server Express integrates much better with .NET applications (assuming you're using Visual Studio). However, DB2 generally works better with Java than SQL Server

Hope this helps!



I am assuming you are talking about the DB2 Express-C release (which is not samme like DB2 Express).

1.2: If you usually work on a Windows platform (dev tools, backend + frontend, ...), you will find MSSQL is easier to deploy and use. In general, MSSQL is probably a little easier to deploy than DB2.

3: Among the free offerings from the "big three" vendors, DB2 Express-C has the least restriction.



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