PHP. Uninteresting to load <head> </head> data as include

This might be a very stupid question, but is it awkward to load data between tags in a file and load it via PHP include ()? So it would make editing easier. Thank.


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4 answers

No, that wouldn't be stupid. The less code duplication the better.



Question: are you planning to use the same block <head>

on multiple pages?

If yes, then: no, it would be nice to save it in a file that can be used for multiple pages.

Second question: will it make it easier for you?

If yes, then: no, it's not a bad idea to make things easier.

And if you think "this would mean uploading / including another file, won't that kill my server?"

Then, again: no, it won't: no one will notice such an overhead :-)
(And the file, if used frequently, will most likely be cached in your OS's RAM anyway)



No, why should it be stupid? If it adds structure to your site and allows for a clean design, that might be a good idea.

And DRY is applied.



This follows the DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself) methodology. This is a good idea.



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