Why is the web interface (JSR-299) associated with JSF?

I am reading the draft public review of the Web Beans specification (JSR-299) and I am wondering why this is so "tightly coupled" with JSF?

Especially the context context is only presented for JSF.

I understand that the goal of WebBeans is JSF and EJB3 integration. But doesn't it make sense to specify the concept of conversations on a more general level (perhaps for Servlets in general and not specific web infrastructure)?

Are there any technical reasons for this? I think this is hardly possible, because Seam (which is some kind of WebBeans-Prototype) also supports Wicket and provides the concept of conversations.

I think it would be helpful to have a servlet-level conversation scope (injecting werms Beans into servlets). In my opinion this is not the case for the ciurrent specification (see Chapter 8.5.4). Or am I misinterpreting something here ...


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2 answers

Just found it today. The reason ConversationScope is based on JSF is simply because JSF is the default UI for Java EE!

In addition, most JSR-299 containers can provide conversations for other UI technologies like Gateway too.

Otoh you can easily create your own Scopes which are even portable.

LieGrue, Strub



I think this is similar to Gavin King who chooses JSF as his browsing technology for Seam, and he is pushing JSR as a guide.

Conversations are obviously expanding - for example, Spring's custom scopes have the ability to conduct conversations:




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