How do you sell continuous customer integration?

I know that using continuous integration improves the quality of my codebase and speeds up release, but what's the best way to convince customers that they want it on their next project?


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4 answers

Say what you said in the question:

  • Faster releases = earlier market penetration = more money
  • Better code quality = less error correction time = less cost

As long as you can help them install it quickly and cheaply, I don't understand why that would be a problem.



In addition to constructing the standard arguments, I quote from this article:

Alan McCormack, Chris Kemer, Michael Cusumano, and Bill Crandall, "Performance versus Quality Tradeoffs in Software Development Practices," IEEE Software, September-October 2003.


  • Integration / regression testing on every code registration = 36% reduction in defect rate
  • Daily Build = 93% Yield / Programmer LOC Growth

Thus, CI gives better performance and better quality. Who doesn't want this?



You have made some statements. If you want to sell an idea to your clients, you will have to answer the following questions:

  • How to improve the quality of your code?

    Compilation / build issues are identified on a regular basis. And if used in conjunction with automated integrations and unit tests, you'll be able to identify bugs on a regular basis.

  • How does this speed up release?

    By automating the build and deployment process, you eliminate the downtime required by the development team to submit a new build for testing.

    You have a history of successful builds to fall back on if you're out of time and ready to ship with incomplete features,



I'm not sure how much customers are interested in continuous integration. I think that by selling an idea, the development team is worth more during the exercises in many cases.

However, customers will always love to hear.

  • Your project will always be in working order.

  • All code is checked when we write it



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