Intellisense support for jQuery does not work compared to 2008

I followed the steps below in here , but still, Intellisense for JQuery just doesn't work, any ideas?


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5 answers

I solved the problem . It turns out I wasn't referencing the JQuery script file.



When I added an update for jquery intellisense in vwd2008 it wouldn't work on some of my existing projects.

It turns out that the ui.datepicker.js plugin I was using was causing the intellisense to crash.

I hid the ui.datepicker.js file from intellisense by creating a dummy file as mentioned in point 8 in this tutorial

jQuery Intellisense Guide

Hope it helps.




Download the jquery documentation from here and place it in the same directory as the file named jquery-1.2.6.pack.js ". Restart VS and you should now be working intellisense. VS is looking for a file with" -vsdoc "at the end of the name file to provide intellisense.There's over 5000 lines but if you're comfortable navigating through it you can actually change the intellisense hints to suit yourself.

If that doesn't work for you, try this MS patch to help VS recognize -vsdoc files for javascript.



I guess I had to reload files or project or something to get it working. IME this is a bit like all MS Intellisense - you never know if you're going to get anything or what it will be ...

There is no doubt that JetBrains and WholeTomato will be fixed soon.



I downloaded this VS2008 hotfix:

and it solved my problem, I tried to rename the vsdoc2 file to vsdoc but it didn't help but the fix solved it.



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