Building ASP.NET Web Application with Multiple Skins?

I am currently developing an ASP.NET WebForms application that will have multiple skins. The way I'm going to get closer to this is to have each skin in a completely separate folder that will contain all the images and CSS, and the CSS will link to the images accordingly.

The folder structure will be something like this:

  • /Default.aspx
  • /Skins/Master.css
  • /Skins1/Skin1/Skin1.css
  • / Skins1 / Skin1 / Images / ...
  • /Skins1/Skin1/Skin2.css
  • / Skins1 / Skin2 / Images / ...
  • /Skins1/Skin1/Skin3.css
  • / Skins1 / Skin3 / Images / ...

So, for example, we could:

<div id="foo-logo"></div>
<a href="/bar/"><div id="bar-logo"></div></a>


And then in CSS:

#top-logo { height: 100px; width:200px; background:url(images/foo-logo.jpg); }
#bar-logo { height: 50px;  width:100px; background:url(images/bar-logo.jpg); }


My logic is to avoid skin folder references as per the code like:

<img src="/skins/<%=Settings.CurrentSkin%>/images/foo-logo.jpg" />
<a href="/bar/"><img src="/skins/<%=Settings.CurrentSkin%>/images/bar-logo.jpg" /></a>


This way, the HTML stays clean and completely independent, and you can completely change the skin simply by referencing a different CSS file and removing the need to update image tags.

The main disadvantages of this that I can think of are:

  • The dimensions of the image in the containing element must be specifically specified in CSS as they will be implemented as CSS background images
  • The web application also cannot degrade if important brand elements such as the logo are only visible with CSS

Is there anything else I should be aware of when using this method and / or is there a better way to achieve this?


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1 answer

WebForms has support for themes and skinning which does a lot of what you seem to want to do here, some helpful articles

Ode to Code , MSDN

What skinning basically allows you to do is define separate stylesheets and control skins. The folder structure you have will look like

App_Themes / skin1

App_Themes / Skin2

App_Themes / Skin3


Then you can use asp: Image controls that point to different image urls for each skin id (or you can do it with CSS).



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