Snap to property

I have a binding List (Of MyObject)

to a GridView on an event Page_Load

. MyObject

It has a child object as a property, ChildObject

which also has a property ChildProperty


In my GridView, I would like to bind one of the fields to ChildProperty

, but doing something like:

<asp:boundfield datafield="ChildObject.ChildProperty" />


results in an error:

System.Web.HttpException: A field or property named "ChildObject.ChildProperty" was not found in the selected data source.

How do I bind this property, or is it not possible? I suppose I could create a ReadOnly property on the parent's read-only child property, but that is a little smelly.

Any ideas?



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1 answer

You can use:

    <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Property.ChildProperty.GrandChildProperty") %>




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