Displaying tweets on my website using my timezone

I can display my tweets on my website using the below JavaScript.

window.onload = function() {
    var siteName = 'xyz';
        'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&rpp=20&q=from:' + siteName,
        function(data) {
            $.each(data, function(i, tweets) {
                for (var num = 0, len = tweets.length; num < len; num++) {
                    if (tweets[num].text !== undefined) {
                        $('ul#tweets').append('<li><b>' + tweets[num].created_at.substring(0, 16) +
                            ':</b> ' + tweets[num].text + '</li>');   


Shows tweets in the USA. Can I show tweets during NZ.


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2 answers

I found an easy solution to my problem. Just create a new Date object (var tim = new Date (tweets [num] .created_at)) did the trick. Here is the code that shows the date and time of the tweets in my timezone.

window.onload = function() {
    var siteName = 'xyz';
        'http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&rpp=20&q=from:' + siteName,
        function(data) {
            $.each(data, function(i, tweets) {
                for (var num = 0, len = tweets.length; num < len; num++) {
                    if (tweets[num].text !== undefined) {
                        var tim = new Date(tweets[num].created_at);
                        $('ul#tweets').append('<li><b>' + tim.toString().substring(0, 24) + ':</b> ' + tweets[num].text + '</li>');   


I think the constructor var tim = new Data (tweets [num] .created_at) takes the date from tweets [num] .created_at and converts it to the local timezone (my machine time) and creates a new tim object. So the new tim object has local time. Can anyone point me to the Date (dateString) constructor documentation.



Yes. You can change the time zone.

The following js code snippet was found from Twitter website.

function changetimezone(time_value, tz){
    tz = 0;
  var values = time_value.split(" ");
  time_value = values[1] + " " + values[2] + ", " + values[5] + " " + values[3];
  var t = parseInt(Date.parse(time_value))/1000;

  return t + tz * 60;


So, just parse changetimezone with created_at and your relative timezone.

eg. changetimezone (tweets [Num] .created_at, 12); + 1200 hours - New Zealand time zone.

As for what twitter returns, it isn't really US time. It is GMT + 0 (London time). Thus, you can safely put 12 hours instead of 20.



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