Problems with the basket basket, sizing, etc.

I am working on a shopping cart and my problem is how do I create a database for sizing for products? T-shirts can be "XL, L, M, S", etc., and shoes can be "36,37,38,39 ... blabla". Should I only make one size chart or many tables for several types (T-shirt, shoes, etc.)?

Thanks in advance...


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2 answers

Table: size_selection

Item_id numeric
Item_size varchar
Seq numeric


Item_id -> item table (say id = 1 -> tshirt. Id = 2 -> shoes.)

So your table will be

Item_ID   Item_size   Seq
   1         S         1
   1         M         2
   1         L         3
   1         XL        4
   2         36        1
   2         37        2
   2         38        3
   2         39        4


Then, on the page, just get the dropdown values ​​like

Select item_size from size_selection
where item_id = :p_ID
order by seq


The sequel to the sequel can vary depending on your taste.



I don't quite understand what you are thinking about wanting multiple tables. You may have hung yourself on the fact that some sizes are alpha and some are numeric.

If this is the reason, then forget it right away. There is no useful numeric value for different options like this, so they all have to be stored as varchar to support alphanumeric characters.

If you need to sort, then enter the sort order as well. It should be separate. Don't try to sort by element size itself - as far as your application is concerned, they are all just individual choices and not impotent that they are numeric.



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