What is a cool wallpaper or background (if any) for the main application window?

Does the opening window open up the attractiveness of the application? Should it be an image or soft blue and white?


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3 answers

Use the default OS theme colors. Anything else will be attractive to certain groups of people and ugly to others (who will complain very loudly about how ugly they find it). If you stick with the OS theme colors, then at least the look and feel of the app will not be something that you will be criticized for.



Some people like to be clean and nice, while others find stylish themes to be positive and enjoyable. You should think about who your application is pointing to and do what the group is interested in.



I would use the default OS colors. But actually, if I could, I wouldn't post any colors / themes at all. I would put some information / controls in this area (assuming you are talking about an MDI / SDI application background). Similar to what the latest version of openoffice 3 did. For example, put "What do you want me to do? Open / Exit / Tutorial / ..." into it.



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