Silverlight Validation - How to Stop User Submitting Invalid Data

I have a ChildWindow that enters some data into a textbox. Now when he clicks the submit button, I only need to close the ChildWindow if the input is valid? How can I check this? I have searched and seen many examples of how to validate a textbox, but I need to know how to check if everything is valid and let the user close the window?


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2 answers

I hope I understand your question correctly and not too naive.

As you already wrote, you know how to actually check the content of the form, I'll be brief:


private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    this.DialogResult = true;


from the ChildWindow class , which handles the Click event of the child window. In this method, you call your check routine and set this.DialogResult if the check is correct. For example. eg:

private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    if (MyAweSomeValidation() == true)
        this.DialogResult = true;


Of course you need your own logic for MyAweSomeValidation () :)

The DialogResult property is implemented in a way that automatically closes the child window when it is set. If you do not set a value, the window will not be closed this way. But you have to tell the user why it won't close, if you can handle it, of course. :)




If you have a data form, do something like this:

if (!dataform1.ValidationSummary.HasErrors)
   DialogResult = true;




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