ASP.NET MVC Authentication

it is possible to create something like this i ASP.NET MVC beta 1

I tried but

override bool OnPreAction(string actionName, 
                          System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)


is no longer visible and

override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)


don't give me access to the action name


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3 answers

On the blog you link to, the author claims that

One way to tackle this problem is to use attribute based security as shown in this post. But then you have to decorate your actions with a safety attribute, which is not a good idea.

I think this is a great way to do it and it is supported by the framework. This will give you a nice declarative implementation. Check the Authorized Attribute in System.Web.Mvc. This will allow you to do something like this:

[Authorize(Roles="Admin, Editor")]
public ActionResult Delete(int id){


Since the Delete action changes the state of your system, I would also add the AcceptVerbs attribute, for example:

[Authorize(Roles="Admin, Editor")]
public ActionResult Delete(int id){


This ensures that the action will not accept GET requests.



Create custom attribute



What is the reason why you don't want to decorate your actions with an authorization attribute? Sorry, but I think I can better understand your situation if I try to give a better answer than the one already asked.



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