Using SubSonic Active Record in a separate assembly from the Internet

I am following the tutorial here .

I have created a new web application. Then I added two Library Library projects, Common and Domain. The shared project contains the SubSonic library, and the domain project contains the and .ttinclude files.

After changing the settings in Settings.ttinclude, I am trying to execute "Run Special Tool" on tt files and I get this error:

Running transformation: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. 
Parameter name: The project does not contain App.config or Web.config file.


I can provide the rest of the stack trace, but it can't seem to find my Web.config which was the connection string. Adding app.config to the Domain project just makes the generate step complain that you won't find the sections you expect.

Is there a way to have these files in a separate assembly but still use the web.config option for settings?


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1 answer

You need to place the App.config in the project you want to generate from. Yes it is redundant, but there is no other way to deal with it with T4



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