JPA / Hibernate for storing months and days in months

I have the following POJOs:

class Month {
    long id;
    String description;
    List<Day> days; // always contains 29, 30 or 31 elements

class Day {
    byte nr; // possible values are 1-31
    String info;


Is there a way to store these objects in the following database structure using JPA + Hibernate:

Table MONTH:

id; description;

DAYS table:

id-of-month; nr-of-day; info;

What is the best solution for this situation?


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3 answers

If you can't change your pojo or table structure, you're screwed up a bit. If you can, then a simple annotated pojo will work.

class Month {
   private long id;
   private String description;
   private List<Day> days;



---- Requires surrogate key DB change for the days table

class Day {
    private int id;
    private Month month;
    private byte nr; // possible values are 1-31
    private String info;




Here is one of the solutions I found:

class Month {
    long id;
    String description;

    @CollectionOfElements(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
    @IndexColumn(name = "nr-of-day")
    List<Day> days; // always contains 29, 30 or 31 elements

class Day {
    byte nr; // possible values are 1-31
    String info;


@CollectionOfelements and @IndexColumn are Hibernate annotations. If I use @OneToMany annotation available in JPA hibernate creates 3 tables instead of 2.

My only problem is that gets saved twice: first as an IndexColumn from the list (0 based counter) and second time as a field of the Day class (1 based counter).



Is it possible to map the @Entity UNIDIRECTIONAL month relation to the Day @Entity class without @Embeddable to CascadeType.PERSIST where the @Entity Day class id consists of the month id and the list index as shown below?

@Entity public class Month {

private Integer id;

// one way relationship
private List<Day> dayList = new ArrayList<Day>();



@ Normal class of class Day {

@EmbeddedId // composed by month foreign key and index column
private DayId id;



I hope you can solve this problem.

Relationship Arthur Ronald F. D. Garcia (Java Programmer) Natal / Rn - Brazil



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