Serious issue with textField fullscreen animation speed

I can't seem to find the correct way to make a long text screen move horizontally across the screen in full screen mode. I've tried many ways, but it always gets stuck at times for a few milliseconds and ruins the whole experience. Please, if someone can help me find the best way to animate a large dynamic line in full screen, I would be very grateful. I've tried using var myTween: Tween = new Tween (myText, "x", None.easeNone, 0, newX, 80, true); even moving x manually using a timer or frame event; it always gets stuck for a few milliseconds quite often when text moves across the screen in full screen mode. I also tried using Bitmap, but it's a little scratched and doesn't noticeably improve performance. May be,someone knows a way to optimize the animation somehow in ActionScript 3, or use some other control than textField.

Thank you for your help.


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2 answers

I know this is pretty late, but here is a list of a few things you could try:

  • You can try using a tweening engine such as Tweener independently, so that will help make the movement smoother.

  • If the text does not change while it is being moved, you can set the TextSize property of the cacheAsBitmap to 'true'.

  • Make sure the AntiAlias ​​mode is Animation and not Reading, as Reading mode will look strange on a moving TextField and it will slow down as Flash tries to constantly restart it.

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  • Manually draw the entire TextField onto the bitmap and reposition the bitmap. It sounds like you may have tried this already, but if done correctly it should increase performance significantly.



It looks like your machine cannot keep up with all the processes running at the same time. This is a reality for almost all co-location applications.

To reduce the effect, try decreasing the animation frame rate. It will be less fluid, but the frame length will be constant, and the gap is much less noticeable. This may be a necessary compromise with your current problem.



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