Z-index over img?

Consider this page @ http://www.bloodbone.ws/screwed.html

I want the element to a.grow

expand to fit div.column-header

so that if you aim anywhere div

, the entire area is clickable.

It works in Firefox + Safari, but I cannot get it to work in any IE browser.

Elements h2

and are img

always interrupted a.grow

, so there are areas that are not clickable.

I tried everything I could, adding zoom: 1

etc. to no avail.


and img

should be visible, but any mouse cursor over the area should be clickable.


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2 answers

To be "SEO compliant" you have 2 options:

  • Aplly multiple anchor tags to cover all your divs;
  • Use a framework like JQuery to make the div clickable (and then click the href anchor) and create an anchor inside the div for SEO purposes.


will be

    <div class="column-header">
        <a class="grow" href="http://www.google.com">Google</a>     
        <h2>What On</h2>
        <a href="http://www.google.com">
            <img src='http://www.bloodbone.ws/images/mainHeader.jpg' alt='boo' />





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