Developing for the 2.2.1 SDK on Snow Leopard

I've installed Snow Leopard, has Xcode 3.2 and 3.0 iPhone SDK. I want my apps to run on 2.2.1, but the SDK is nowhere to be found in Xcode. I've set the deployment target to 2.2.1, but still I can't be sure if I'm not using any 3.0-isms. (Ive sent a sample app to my friend who still has 2.2.1 and it won't start, so I'm actually using a specific API 3.0.) How can I make sure my apps work in 2.2.1? (The simulator also only lists 3.0 as a version option.) Id be inappropriate to manually check my sources for every call that may not have existed in 2.2.1.


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3 answers

See my question .

However, I think this is a bad situation that Apple has created for us. There is really no way to test 2.xx unless you, like me, have an iPhone 2.2 to test. I actually bought new 3Gs so I can use the old 3G for testing. Silly, though, when iTunes came up one day and asked if I wanted my phone to update to 3.0.1, I said yes, not knowing which phone I was updating.

I tried, to no avail, downgrading to 2.2.1 doing everything like holding the home button and power for 10 seconds, etc., but I keep getting the baseband loading error.

I know Apple is working hard to push everyone towards 3.0, but without statistics on how many users are still on the older OS, it seems reasonable to support that OS. They should at least retain 2.2.x support for the Simulator. I don't like releasing a 2.2.1 app based on whether I believe I am using calls from 3.0 or not, without actually testing on 2.2.1.



OK, SDK 3.1 was released yesterday (September 9th) and also contains SDK 2.2.1. You can't build for Device-only Simulator, but most egregious 3.0-isms will show up as compilation errors, making testing much easier.



Delete the SDK or developer folder.

using the "Terminal" command: / Library / uninstall-devtools --mode = all , then restart, reinstall the new SDK.



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