Enumeration name with multiple values

In my project I am using an example of enums:

public enum NcStepType { Start = 1, Stop = 3, Normal = 2 }


I am reading values ​​from the database, but sometimes there are 0-values ​​in my entry, so I want an enum that looks like

public enum NcStepType { Start = 1 OR 0, Stop = 3, Normal = 2 }


is this possible (in C #)?


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7 replies

You can create a generic extension method that handles unknown values:

    public static T ToEnum<T>(this int value, T defaultValue)
        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof (T),value))
            return (T) (object) value;
            return defaultValue;


Then you can simply call:

int value = ...; // value to be read

NcStepType stepType = value.ToEnum(NcStepType.Start);

// if value is defined in the enum, the corresponding enum value will be returned
// if value is not found, the default is returned (NcStepType.Start)




No, basically. You would have to give it one of the values ​​(presumably 1) and interpret the other (0) manually.



No, it doesn't, and I'm not sure how this would work in practice.

Can't you just add logic that maps from 0 to 1 when reading from the DB?



I usually define 0 in such cases as follows:

public enum NcStepType
    NotDefined = 0,
    Start = 1,
    Normal = 2,
    Stop = 3,


And somewhere in the code I would do:

if(Step == NcStepType.NotDefined)
    Step = NcStepType.Start;


This makes the code readable and everyone knows what's going on ... (hopefully)



No, in C #, an enum can only have one value.

There is nothing that says that the value in the database should map directly to your enum value. You can easily assign a value Start

whenever you read 0

or 1

from the database.



There is no solution in C #. But you can do 2 steps:

1. Set the default value for your DB field to 1.
2. Update any existing 0s to 1.



As far as I know you can write this

enum NcStepType { Start = 0, Start = 1, Stop = 3, Normal = 2 }


The only problem is that later there would be no way to specify which one Start

was used to initialize the variable (it would always look like Start = 0




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