F # in / in SharpDevelop?

Is there an F # compiler (plugin?) For SharpDevelop? I use SharpDevelop on my netbook for hobby development and it would be great to program f # on it.


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4 answers

If you install the F # compiler , SharpDevelop 3.0 automatically supports it. (Oh good. At least people will get a good answer.)



On Windows I have installed Visual Studio Shell and May F # CTP.



There's a pretty old (Aug 2008) F # plugin for MonoDevelop . Read more on the Wiki page .

To download the F # compiler xip file F # May 2009 the CTP . There are some known problems with running it in Mono, simply get to " " F# Mono

for more information.



Visual Studio 2010 now supports F #. However, this does not include the Express editions, so if you are looking for an F # IDE for free, that is, the MonoDevelop plugin (which requires v2.6 IIRC), you can install Visual Studio Shell Integrated and add FSharp to that, or SharpDevelop. Of these, I probably recommend the Visual Studio shell on top of the others, as it seems to have better integration between the editor window and the F # console window. However, if you are interested in cross-platform work, take a look at MonoDevelop, as you can be sure that something will work on Mono.



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