Plugin is like a dashboard

I am looking for a plugin that will collect various reports from our maven project (which consists of many modules). I have been using the dashboard maven plugin but it has not been updated lately and I am having problems with the reports it generates (basically it only does confidence reports, no pmd, findbugs, cobertura as it should).

So I'm looking for a replacement, are there any similar plugins for maven2?


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3 answers

While it is not a maven plugin, you thought you were looking at hudson ? It does the reporting aggregation for you ... It worked for me, but I'm limiting myself to PMD + findbugs + JUnit.

I've heard that Sonar is also a good dashboard, but I haven't personally used it.



I haven't had a chance to test this myself yet, but I've heard the XRadar plugin is pretty good.

It "Designed for use with JDepend, PMD, PMD-CPD, JavaNCSS, CKJM, Checkstyle, FindBugs, CLOC, JUnit, EMMA, Java2HTML, and Ant."

the xradar-maven-plugin page describes how to get started.



If you want to see Sonar in action take a look at the public Nemo instance:



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