.NET events cause uncontrolled memory usage

Suppose we have one Windows Form with a SimpleButton1. The following code results in an uncontrolled amount of memory usage. What am I doing wrong?

I understand that on each iteration of the for loop, the GC cleans up any TestClass objects and also takes care of any related events as there are no handlers on any of the events

Public Class Form1

Private Sub SimpleButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SimpleButton1.Click
    For i = 1 To 1000000
        Dim test1 As New TestClass            
End Sub
End Class

Public Class TestClass
    Private Event TestEvent(ByVal sender As Object)
End Class


Note that I tried to implement IDisposable and call test1.Dispose () at the end of each iteration of the For loop, but I suspect I don't have the correct resources.

* ANSWERED: There was no problem in the code and it ran as expected. The problem was that I was running it in debug mode and the overhead generated was causing a lot of memory usage. See discussion below.


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4 answers

If you are working in Debug, VisualStudio will generate additional edit and continue code (_EncList) even if you are not under the debugger.

Be sure to compile and run during the build process like "Release". Yes, it makes it difficult to debug memory problems when they behave differently, but it is not the most difficult task to track down memory problems.



Which you are not showing here, and I suspect the problem is that you have a TestEvent event in your TestClass, and while you are probably adding handlers to the TestEvent, you are probably not removing them. By not removing them, you are telling the GC to collect neither the TestClass nor the handler class.



This code, as you showed it, will not leak. The garbage collector will eventually take care of the classes you created.

However, if you have an Observable class and an Observer class, Observer will call Observable.Event += Observer.EventHandler;

. Thus, the Observable now has a reference to the Observer. If you don't call Observable.Event -= Observer.EventHandler

, then this link remains.

The problem with this happens when you think that nobody has a reference to the Observer, but the Observable has a longer lifespan. Although the Observable has a link to the Observer, there is no code that knows to remove the link, unless it clears all of the handlers ( this.Event = null


This is essentially a memory leak!

There are several ways to get around this:



  • GC does not execute spring in action at every iteration, it will wait for the right moment and mass these objects in bulk.

  • TestEvent shouldn't block GC collection, but if TestClass instances subscribe to an event on another object, this will keep them alive. No automatic cleaning.

  • How do you define "leads to uncontrolled memory usage". Measuring memory usage is trickier than it sounds. Hopefully this is not based on TaskManager.



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