Ordinal position of element in collection IENumerable (Linq to XMl)

How to embed the ordinal of an element as its attribute in this linq query.

var AllSections = from s in xmlDoc.Descendants("section")
                      select new
                          id = s.Attribute("id").Value,
                          themeTitle = s.Element("themeTitle").Value,
                          themeText = s.Element("themeText").Value,
                          objects = (from  a in AllObjects 
                                     join b in s.Descendants("object")
                                     on  a.Attribute("accessionNumber").Value equals
                                      //select a
                                      select new
                                        //index = insert ordinal id/index of element

                                        ObjectTitle = a.Element("ObjectTitle").Value,
                                        ObjectText = a.Element("textentry").Value,





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2 answers

@Jon Skeet gave you the appropriate Select overload to use, and here's in your query:

var AllSections = from s in xmlDoc.Descendants("section")
    select new
        id = s.Attribute("id").Value,
        themeTitle = s.Element("themeTitle").Value,
        themeText = s.Element("themeText").Value,
        objects = (from a in AllObjects 
                   join b in s.Descendants("object")
                       on a.Attribute("accessionNumber").Value
                       equals b.Attribute("accessionNumber").Value
                   select a).Select((a, index) =>
                           Index = index,
                           ObjectTitle = a.Element("ObjectTitle").Value,
                           ObjectText = a.Element("textentry").Value,




You can't easily do this with a query expression - at least not without a terrible side effect. However, you can easily do this with the dot notation for Select

or Where

. Given that you have a rather long query expression, it might be easiest to add an extra call where at the beginning - if you really want the "s" index in the original expression:

var AllSections = 
  from s in xmlDoc.Descendants("section")
  select new
      id = s.Attribute("id").Value,
      themeTitle = s.Element("themeTitle").Value,
      themeText = s.Element("themeText").Value,
      objects = (from  a in AllObjects.Select((Item,Index) => new {Item,Index})
                 join b in s.Item.Descendants("object")
                 on  a.Item.Attribute("accessionNumber").Value equals
                  //select a
                  select new
                    //index = insert ordinal id/index of element
                    Index = a.Index,
                    ObjectTitle = a.Element("ObjectTitle").Value,
                    ObjectText = a.Element("textentry").Value,


Let's assume you want an index a

inside AllObjects




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